Angular vs Flutter: Which is better?

Angular vs Flutter

To start with we should consider and think why we are comparing Angular and Flutter! When there are other technologies that we could compare. The answer is both the frameworks are developed by Google.

Angular is a hybrid framework which is good to build a web application as well as a mobile application but it gets complex when it comes to creating specific framework application for mobile.

If Angular is used to make a mobile application for android, then to build the same application for iOS, it should be rebuild from start.

To overcome this problem Google came with another framework called “Flutter” which is a single code-based language. Flutter is a framework and SDK that allows you to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android with one language.

Angular uses the typescript language and HTML structure to control and to build new web application whereas Flutter simply uses DART programming language which is similar to Java in syntax along with HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript, these are the modern frontend UI specific development method of web pages.

Compare to Angular, Flutter is faster in performance however when it comes to usability Angular is more stable as Flutter has been in the development stage, that also means that there will still be some bugs, missing features that need to be added in the framework.

 If we look into Architecture and Functionality point of view

Components of Angular

Angular creates Applications using components like:

  • Data binding,
  • Type Components,
  • Service Components,
  • Provider Components,
  • Filter Components,
  • Dependency Injection

Which works as Building blocks of User Interface.

Components of Flutter

There are four components that create the “SDK” platform and make Flutter Architecture vastly usable:

  • Flutter Engine
  • Dart Platform
  • Foundation Library
  • OS Design Specific Widgets

Though angular is a renowned open-source Framework and highly used as of now. But in the coming year, as Flutter gets it upgrading we may see this framework for developing cross-platform apps.

Kotlin: The future of Android App development

Future of Android App Development

Every now and then we can see major or minor technological updates. Tech giants hold developer conferences (Google I/O or Microsoft Build) to share the updates and announce upcoming products. In this process, Google has introduced a new programming language for Android app development named as Kotlin. JetBrains is behind the development of Kotlin and is currently working to bring Kotlin to iOS and embedded systems as well making it a one-stop language for all application areas.

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language based on Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with Android and is concise, expressive, and designed to be type- and null-safe. Kotlin works smoothly with the Java language, therefore, making it easy for the developers to use Java language and incrementally adding Kotlin code. Above all, it makes development faster, easier and more fun.

Advantages of Kotlin:


In many cases, Kotlin is way more concise than Java such as solving the problems with fewer lines of code. This improves readability and code maintainability which helps developers to write, read and change the code more effectively. Type inference, smart casts, data classes, and properties help Kotlin to achieve conciseness.

Safer Code:

Kotlin code prevents common programming mistakes by design which results in lesser system failures and application crashes. Whereas, these common errors occur while using Java. With Kotlin, developers can think about potential problems with their code in a detailed manner, in other words, it will help them to write stronger codes.

Better support for functional programming:

Functional programming was introduced in Java 8, but Kotlin has better support for it. It is a development model that allows developers to solve tasks more easily and consistently. Performance can be improved with the help of lining which is not possible in Java.

Lesser error and bugs:

Whenever possible Kotlin compiler aims to fail fast which greatly facilitates searching for bugs and can prevent them in the first place. Therefore, it performs many checks, avoiding runtime errors and reducing the cost and effort of fixing errors.

Code base shrink:

Technical debt is a deadweight carried by the developers because of the shortcuts made in programming, often to reach a deadline. It slows down future development resulting in reduced productivity. With Kotlin, code base shrinks while increasing the quality at the same time and if implemented correctly it can also reduce lines of code by 20-30%.

Faster development tasks:

With the number of handy features, Kotlin facilitates everyday development tasks something that Java does not offer. Default parameter values, object declarations, extension functions are some of the features which speed up Android app development time while keeping the code base more maintainable.

In addition to Java, Kotlin is the most strongly supported Java Virtual Machine language in the Android ecosystem. Kotlin is interoperable with Java as both generate the same bytecode, therefore, you can start using Kotlin in your existing project with all your old Java code.

Once you understand the syntax, Kotlin is way more readable and short as compared to Java. In conclusion, Kotlin makes a developer’s life easier than any other language.

Google Play Store

Google Play Store

Google Play Store – App Submission

Google Play Store is one of the famous and most popular platform for app lovers as well as app developers. In one place it allows you to download any app anytime be it too old or the latest, the database of google play store is always up to date which give’s users an ease to use it.  When it comes to the app submission on google play store, it allows you to distribute your app to a wide range of users as well as advertise, sell & manage the App performance.

But as before investing we need to read the terms and conditions similarly before submission of app a smooth plan of the process for  app submission should be made and to do that first you should know its pre-requisites.”


  • APK file of app.
  • Short Description of App with maximum 80 characters
  • Long Description of App with maximum 4000 characters
  • Icon for the App – This basically represents the app and is a unique identity for the app. File format should be png with size 512*512
  • Screenshots – 8 screenshots of application showcasing different features of it with file size not be more than 3480*3480 and minimum 320 PX (only png format)
  • Featured Graphic or video – File format should be jpeg or png and dimension 1024*500 PX. For video we need to keep the length between 30 sec to 2 min.
  • Email or Helpline – This is required for providing users with any kind of assistance they need regarding App whether it be fatal error or handling error.


Once you are all set with the pre-requisites then comes the time to go live and submit app in the play store.

 Most initial step of this process is to create an account on google, although almost everyone has their personal account on google but its recommended to have a separate professional account on google for app which can help you to be in touch with your users, answer their queries as well manage your advertisement of the app.Also to register your publisher account you need to pay 25 USD using google payments.
Post successful account creation we need to sign in to developer console to perform all the further action.

One optional step is to create and link your merchant account for
                  1) You have a paid app or subscription app
                  2) In app purchases


APK & TESTING– It’s recommended to do alpha testing before making app available to users,for this process we need to go to the APK section of developer console where we will find alpha testing & beta testing. You can use these options and fetch the URL of your app and share it with few testers who can then do the testing and send you reviews. Once the testing phase is clear you can click on publish to make the app live to worldwide users.

STORE LISTING –This is one of the important step in publishing app on google play store. Once APK file is uploaded, we need to go to the store listing tab and update all the details related to the app like short description, screenshots, videos,and other mandatory fields. Once done click on save and store listing is done.Also you can edit and modify your store listing anytime. Apart from these you also need to fill out content rating questionnarie for your app.

PRIVACY POLICY – In the store listing tab you will get a option of uploading privacy policy of your app. Now privacy policy is a very important and mandatory field, as the apps without privacy policy gets delisted and removed from the playstore after certain period of time.

PRICING DISTRIBUTION– Few apps are free, few paid and few have limited free access and then subscription. So it’s important to do pricing listing for your app as well. For this you need to go to the pricing and distribution tab and select paid or free option as per your app. Also you need to select the distribution countries.

When all the three important and mandatory tabs Store Listing, APK & Pricing has been updated then a green check box will appear which you need to click in order to confirm that you are ready to publish your app. Then click on publish and you will get a message stating your app will appear in google play store shortly.

Now apart from these mandatory steps there are series of more tabs which you can fill or ignore as per your app’s requirement.

So let’s get started, let us make the app you want and publish on google play store as well!