E3 2019: New game launches and technological upgrades

Most Popular games

Every year in the month of June video game industry gathers for E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) to celebrate the upcoming blockbuster games and sequels to the most popular franchises. The big game developers and publishers like Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix and more reveal the details of their games and technological upgrades for consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox. A week prior to E3 2019 Google disclosed the details about its cloud-based game streaming project Stadia sharing its pre-order info, price, and other things.

E3 2019 has been going on right now in Los Angeles, California and will continue till 14th June 2019. On the first day of E3, a number of games were announced from various developers and publishers making it hard to remember each one of it except the most favourite games. However, the following are the most popular games and sequels introduced in E3 2019.


It is a multi-player action adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal under the multi-game partnership between Marvel and Square Enix. Captain America, Thor, Black Widow Iron Man, Hulk, Ant-Man are the few characters displayed during the reveal.  According to Marvel’s Avengers, it will have an expanding universe with a customizable and growing number of heroes without loot boxes. Every hero added will be free to play. Official release date of the game is 15th May 2020 and will be available on PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC worldwide.

Cyberpunk 2077:

It is developed by CD Projekt which will be released on 16th April 2020. Keanu Reeves disclosed the official release date in person at the end of the trailer. You can pre-order one of the best looking RPGs (role-playing games) in physical edition and collector’s edition.

Final Fantasy VII Remake:

At E3 2019 Square Enix announced a fully re-imagined and modern looking version of Japanese most loved game of all time Final Fantasy VII Remake. The game will span two Blu-ray disc on PS4 and a collector’s edition will be offered through online stores. It will be available for gamers on 3rd March 2020.

Final Fantasy VIII Remaster:

Square Enix announced Final Fantasy VII Remaster for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this year. The game is not like the remake of Final Fantasy VII but an enhanced version. Everything is the same as previous but the graphic fidelity has been increased to make it compatible with modern HD TV’s. Makers of the game did not provide the release date but said it may arrive this year.

Gears of War 5:

For Gears 5, gamers do not have to wait for too long as the release date is 10th September 2019. It will be released a few days early for the subscribers of Xbox Games Pass. A new co-op Escape mode was displayed in the conference which includes player creation angle where players can create gauntlets for other players.

Project Scarlett:

Microsoft is going to launch two new consoles in 2020, Xbox One S codenamed ‘Scarlett’ and other will be similar to Xbox One X. This new project of Microsoft will support 8K gaming up to 120fps. Not many details were disclosed by the company but it says that the console is four times more powerful as compared to Xbox One X.

Bleeding Edge:

This game is developed by the multi-Bafta-winning developer Ninja Theory. It is a competitive brawler where each combatant in the game has a unique ability. From the trailer, it looked like a team-based shooter game like Team Fortress 2.

Way to the Woods:

It is a game about magic deer set in a post-human world. It was introduced last year’s in E3 2018 and was set to release in early 2019. The trailer shown in E3 2019 is somewhat the same as of last year with some new touches such as boarding an abandoned subway and exploring a shopping centre. It is expected to launch in 2020.


This game is developed by Arkane Studios, the developers behind Dishonored. Deathloop is an action-packed game which takes place in a lawless island called Black Reef, where a giant and mysterious loop can be seen. There are urban regions which are inhabited by the masked individuals who are against the hero. No official date has been given for the launch of this game.

Doom Eternal:

The game is developed by id Software which is a sequel to 2016 series reboot. A multi-player mode has been added called as Battlemode where two players will control the demons to take on the slayer. It will be launched on 22nd November and available for PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.  

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order:

The game is developed by Respawn a studio behind Apex Legends and Titanfall series. It can be pre-ordered with two editions: a standard edition and a deluxe edition. The game will be released on 15th November 2019.

Elden Ring:

From Software developed Elden Ring in collaboration with Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin and Sekiro’s creator Hidetaka Miyazaki. Basically, the game has a dark, mythic fantasy feeling that’s very much like the Dark Soul series. No official release date has been given but it will be coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC and can be pre-ordered right now.